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Intermission: Holy #$%@, What a Game

Disclaimer: I never liked baseball. Until now.


For Love or Moneyball: Lessons Learned From Baseball

Friends keep asking me if Moneyball is good, but I have no idea. How can you evaluate the quality of your own home movies?


San Francisco Giants Make an "It Gets Better" Video

The San Francisco Giants are the first major sports team to make an "It Gets Better Video." Given how much kids worship athletes, this is a huge deal.


People Are Awesome: This Guy Turned Down $12 Million He "Didn't Earn"

Gil Meche is quitting baseball and he's not taking the $12 million left in his contract. He says he hasn't earned it.


Food for Thinkers: I Like Coke

Architect Dan Maginn considers the precise conditions under which Coke becomes a perfectly designed object—a Truly Memorable, Great Coke.


World's Largest Baseball Bat?

Is Elysburg, Pennsylvania home to this wonder of the world?

Transparency: The Tree of Sports Mascots

Basketball and hockey have just wrapped up exciting playoffs, baseball is in full bloom, and football training camps are starting soon. It's a...

Transparency: Who Is Playing Sports?

It's baseball season again, but what you might not notice amid the crack of the bat and roar of the crowd is that-a half-century after Jackie...