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Could Blogging Be the Key to Raising a Generation of Great Writers?

A Minnesota teacher is helping her students set up blogs and gain a readership. The result? The kids "see themselves as writers—real writers."


Michael Moore Launches Virtual Newspaper for Activist High Schoolers

Moore is giving high schoolers (another) way of expressing themselves online: a virtual newspaper. It'll be edited by his 17-year-old niece Molly.


@GOOD Asks: What Are the Best New Blogs on the Internet? Answers

GOOD readers tell us about their favorite new blogs: "Modern Evolution" and "NYCinternz".


What Are the Best New Blogs on the Internet?

Bygone Bureau talks with bloggers to determine 2010's best new additions to your RSS.


The Black Youth Project Adds a New Voice to the Education Reform Conversation

Want to close the achievement gap? Pay attention to what black youth think.

The Chalkboard: How Teachers Use Technology

Besides computers and the internet, are teachers using technology in their classrooms? This infographic takes a look.

Transparency: Where the Stuff on the Internet Comes From

Every day, thousands of stories are passed around the internet on blogs and via Twitter. A new study by has examined the source...