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In Praise of Staying Put

There's something very American about mobility. We like our freedom to roam, to follow opportunity, to move westward as the...


Pop!Tech ’09: Mayor Fetterman

Braddock, Pennsylvania, once a booming steel town, has been deteriorating for decades. In the 1950s it had a population of around 20,000. By 2000,...


Can Wind Turbines Blow the Rust Off the Rust Belt?

A few months ago, we profiled John Fetterman, the mayor of a formerly dying Pennsylvania steel town named Braddock. Fetterman has been trying to...


Mr. Mayor

John Fetterman is remaking a deserted rust-belt town for a new creative class. This summer, across the street from a sprawling steel mill, 800 people gathered in a renovated Catholic schoolhouse in Braddock, Pennsylvania, for the opening of the city's newest arts venue. On its face, there was nothing..