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buy you a drink



Tax Break: Sip an Income Tax Cocktail to Help the Bureaucracy Go Down Easy

So you waited until the last minute. You’re still paying your taxes, and that’s all that matters. Have a drink on us.


Buy You a Drink: Mocktails for Pregnant Snooki and Other Moms-to-Be

Mocktails with a punch for pregnant ladies who need a drink, but can't have one.


Irish Whiskey Cocktails to Celebrate a Great Drinking Holiday

Welcome to Buy You a Drink, where GOOD’s resident mixologist offers intoxicating beverages in tune with the times. This week: Irish whiskey...


Bubbly Cocktails to Sip While Rush Limbaugh Fizzles

Raise a glass to Sandra Fluke—or drink our custom cocktails to the demise of Rush's career.


Buy You a Drink: Cocktails for the Utah Beverage Control Board

If a new bill passes, the people who decide Utah's liquor laws may actually have to drink booze. We made two cocktails to help them liquor up.


Buy You a Drink: A Cocktail for Swallowing Zuckerberg’s Billions

Zuckerberg stands to make $28 billion. I think the rest of us deserve a drink.


Super Bowl Cocktails, Made With Haterade

Think this is the worst of all possible Super Bowls? Two cocktails to dull the pain.


Buy You a Drink: Cocktails for Republican Also-Rans Drinks for Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry

GOOD's resident mixologist offers a free libation to the GOP's fallen soldiers: Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry.


Champagne Cocktails to Ring in the New Year

A few classics to help you dress up that champagne for your holiday soirée—or to make the lower-quality leftover champers palatable on January 2nd.


Cocktails for Weary Holiday Travelers

Odds are, we’ll need a drink as soon as we land.


Buy You A Drink: A Cocktail for Community Fans in Withdrawal

Designing a cocktail for Community fans in mourning.


Jesus Juice: A Cocktail for Tim Tebow

On your knees! Spike a cream soda for Timmy Tebow.


Thanksgiving Booze for the 99 Percent

To swallow ongoing economic injustice, you might need to go a little harder.