Articles Would You Wear a Device that Counts Your Calories as You Digest Them? Tasbeeh HerweesJan 06, 2015
Articles Calorie Counting: When Nudge Comes to Shove If we're serious about the obesity problem a gentle nudge, like providing calorie information, may not be enough.Peter Smith01 May, 2011
Articles "Organic" Foods Pack on the Pounds We often think organic means fewer calories, and that's why we should institute mandatory calorie counting.Peter Smith01 May, 2011
Articles Alcohol Counts, Just Not When it Comes to Calorie Counting Not on tap for beer, wine, or fruity mixed drinks: Calorie counts.Peter Smith29 Apr, 2011
Articles Feast Your Eyes: Where Calorie Counting Comes From Chart: Wilbur Atwater's Calorie Counts, Circa 1902 Wilbur Olin Atwater's experiments with a "bomb calorimeter" helped develop the system of food energy dieters and food manufacturers rely on today.Peter Smith28 Apr, 2011
Articles Calling Jelly Beans "Fruit Chews" Makes You Fat Attention jelly bean calorie counters, here's how the health halo lays your good intentions to waste in the candy aisle.Peter Smith25 Apr, 2011
Articles Coming Soon to a Theater Near You: Calorie Counts Cinema chains are fighting a proposal that would let consumers know how many calories come with their movies.Peter Smith30 Mar, 2011
Articles Knowing Your Taco Is a Calorie Bomb Won't Stop You From Ordering It Mandatory calorie counts on menus will be required by the health care bill, but at Seattle-area Taco Time restaurants they didn't have much effect.Peter Smith22 Jan, 2011