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Giant Nicolas Cage Head Could Terrorize Canada This Labor Day

Graphic designer Thom Malone wants to break the Guinness Record for largest photo mosaic.


When It Comes To Climate Change, These Canadian Scientists Will Not Be Ignored

“Sustainable Canada Dialogues” is the work of over 70 Canadian scientists sick of waiting for action on climate change


Canada’s Hug-a-Muslim Experiment Comes To NYC

Will the Big Apple embrace this cuddly performance project?


Canadian Judge Says Muslim Woman Isn’t #SuitablyDressed for Court

The judge postponed her case because she wouldn’t remove her hijab.


What Should Canada Be Doing to Protect Indigenous Women?

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights blasts the government for the high number of murdered and missing aboriginal women in Canada.


The Indigenous People’s Movement Bringing Long Overdue Justice to Canada

While the U.S. ponders how best to celebrate Columbus Day, its northern neighbor takes substantive steps toward truly recognizing Native Americans


Turning a City into a Homegrown National Park

This year, the David Suzuki Foundation launched the Homegrown National Park project to create a green corridor following the path of one of Toronto’s buried rivers, the Garrison Creek, which once ran from central-west Toronto down to Fort York on the banks of Lake Ontario. The Homegrown National Park will transpose the qualities of Canada’s iconic national parks into urban residential settings.


Bank on Art: Modified ATM Machines as Virtual Exhibitions

Bank on Art ATMs feature artist images that continuously rotate on functioning bank machines.


Billboards to Advertise the Awesomeness of Science Pop Up in Vancouver

A partnership between Vancouver's Science World Museum and Canadian advertising agency Rethink shares catchy science facts.


High School Science Fair Winner Might Revolutionize Internet Search

Seventeen-year-old Nicholas Schiefer has created a micro-search algorithm that makes it easier to find what you're looking for on the web.


Intermission: Maskull Lasserre's Beautiful Dark Twisted Sculptures Maskull Lasserre's Anatomical Sculptures Are Creepy But Beautiful

In Maskull Lasserre's world, you never know what bit of human or animal anatomy is hiding in your everyday objects.


Would You Want to Live in a Cash-Free World?

When asked if they'd ditch bills for good, Canadians replied with a resounding "yes!" But for some, a cashless world is bad for business.


The Tech Election: Canadians Experiment with Online Vote-Swapping

This year, a slew of homemade websites appeared where Canadians could swap or coordinate their votes to avoid a split.


Chart: Even More Proof We Can't Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices

This chart totally debunks the GOP's false claim that the President's policies have anything to do with gas prices.


Quebec Scientists Brand One of the 54 Unpronouncable Chemicals in Maple Syrup

What "Quebecol" means for the science and business of regional foods.