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carbon dioxide



Well, Look at That: U.S. Carbon Emissions Are at a 20-Year Low

In the midst of this man-made heat wave and drought, there's some (mostly) good news: carbon emissions are down.

Infographic: Bring the Heat

Is a more complete picture of global carbon footprint rankings possible when weather is taken into account?


Oakland Getting First Urban Network of CO2 Sensors

Oakland's extensive network of CO2 detectors should help us figure out whether California's new cap-and-trade system is working.


Tiny Tubes Could Absorb More Carbon Dioxide Than Trees

What if the best way to clean up the atmosphere isn't natural at all?


Watch Your Mouth: Tapping the Source of Carbonated Water Where Does Carbonated Water Come From?

A refreshing look into the peculiar origins of the carbon dioxide bubbles in our drinks.


Cities Soak up More Carbon Than We Thought

Cities spew out a lot of carbon, but it turns out that their trees, parks, and gardens absorb much more than we thought.


Tree Tape Measures the Climate Benefits of Your Backyard Trees

This cool new tool shows you exactly how much carbon dioxide is absorbed by any tree, in terms of everyday activities.

Pneumatic Fantastic: The Enduring Allure of Tube Transportation

The idea of transporting food in pneumatic tubes is getting attention, but it's not new. Take a look at some tube systems, both real and imagined.

The GOOD 100:

Since writing what's generally regarded as the first book about climate change for the general public, 1989's The End of...


Negative CO2 Cement

Remember the rocks that absorb CO2? Well, today the Guardian reports that British engineering firm Novacem has developed a new cement that does the same-and produces far less CO2 in production than traditional cement. If this technology can find scalability it would be a truly huge innovation, as cement..