GOOD is featuring interviews of devoted members each week on Kristin Pedemonti is a cause-focused storyteller, speaker, and TED talks finalist.
When I found my father in 2011, 68 years old, hands shaking from Parkinson's, back hunched over, he was working in a storage unit in Massachusetts, behind a computer, checking one or two people in and out each day, like a gatekeeper. I had traveled to the town he had grown up in because I heard from his estranged sisters that they had seen him from time to time, wandering around the neighborhood on afternoon walks.
Three years ago, an entire nation took to the streets to demand the fall of one of the longest-running dictators in the world. Egypt has not left the headlines since. Through its cycles of euphoria, bloodshed, cynicism, and hope, the Egyptian revolution continues to captivate the world.
They come from all over the world, have different passions and varying approaches but there is one thing they all share: they are all tremendously focused and ambitious individuals.
This time last year I had been out of school for two years, I was living at home, and I was working the same job I had in high school. I was interviewing for jobs but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. So, last December I quit my job and decided to spend 2013 talking to interesting people about their careers. The goal was to create a website that would provide an educational, entertaining, and inspirational look at a wide variety of career possibilities.
Here are ten videos—in chronological order—that captured our attention at Public Interest Design over the past year and represent the range of initiatives shaping the dialogue around design education, practice, and performance.