Articles Rahm Emanuel Slammed by Chicago High School Students Chicago's mayoral race front-runner claims the city's highest performing schools are charters. A group of students says he didn't do his homework.Liz Dwyer03 Feb, 2011
Articles Hu Jintao Surveys Evidence of China's Soft Power at Chicago High School Hu Jintao seemed totally impressed with the Chinese language classes at Chicago's Walter Payton Prep.Liz Dwyer25 Jan, 2011
Articles The "Most Advanced High School" in the United States to Be Demolished Chicago's South Shore High to set to meet the wrecking ball. The decision is stirring racial and class-based controversy in the community.Liz Dwyer08 Jan, 2011
Articles Results at Arne Duncan's First Chicago Turnaround School Raise Efficacy and Legal Questions Arne Duncan believes in "turnaround" schools, but are they effective, and are they legal?Liz Dwyer02 Nov, 2010