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Note from a Reluctant Christian: Believing in the Rapture Isn't So Crazy

Having been raised by a pastor, I understand why people believe in the impending rapture—even if I don't buy it myself.


More Than 40 Percent of Americans Believe the Rapture Is Coming

The May 21 doomsayers are about to find out if they're wrong, but there's a lot more where they came from.


Spring Is Packed with Sacred Holidays: Here's What They Teach Us

Many sacred holidays from several traditions converge within the same few weeks of the year. What can we learn from each?


Extremist vs. Extremist: The Consequences of Burning a Koran

Why Muslims retaliating against a Christian pastor says nothing about either Islam or Christianity.

Transparency: GOOD's Most Popular Infographics of 2010

A look back at the infographics that drew the most attention, on topics from happiness to Burning Man


Why Do Western Europeans Want to Ban the Burka?

According to Financial Times's latest Harris Poll, more than half the voters in France favor a law banning women from wearing the burka in public....