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citizens united



GOOD Talks: Lawrence Lessig on Money and Political Corruption

The Harvard law professor, political activist, and founder of Rootstrikers came by GOOD HQ to talk about his plan for reforming our political system.

Infographic: What's the Cost of Getting Into Congress?

It costs a lot to get into Congress, and our candidates get that money from a tiny slice of the American public.


Angelenos Mobilize to Protest Citizens United

Last Saturday, GOOD joined forces with artist John Quigley and Interconnected to create an aerial photograph protesting Citizens United.


Help Us Create an Aerial Photograph to Oppose Citizens United

We'll be taking part in a massive aerial photograph to protest the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, and you're invited.


The Upside of Citizens United: A Wakeup Call That Our Elections Are For Sale

Citizens United didn't change campaign politics that much, but it did expose how unsavory the nexus of politics and money have become.


Video: New Story of Stuff Explains Corporate Money in Politics

In season two of The Story of Stuff, Annie Leonard tackles corporate money in politics with this animated explainer of the Citizens United ruling.


Sexy Conservative Women on Film

Check out the hilarious trailer for Fire From the Heartland: The Reawakening of the Conservative Woman, about women in the conservative movement.


How to Influence Politics with Money after Citizens United

In the Citizens United case last month the Supreme Court ruled that corporations could spend without limit in political campaigns. At the time...