Articles At 76, Jonathan Kozol Is More Outraged Over Inequality in Education Than Ever Liz DwyerSep 14, 2012
Articles As Thousands of American Teachers Face Pink Slips, Teaching Is China's Hottest Job Liz DwyerJan 26, 2012
Articles Your Favorite Public Education Reformer Probably Went to Private School Liz DwyerApr 20, 2011
Articles Bill Gates' Class Size Ideas Fuel Education Reform Debate Are Bigger Class Sizes The Answer? Leonie Haimson and Our Publisher Discuss on The Dylan Ratigan Show Liz DwyerMar 10, 2011
Articles That Plan to Close Half of Detroit's Schools? It's Really Happening Paging Eminem: Michigan just approved the insane plan to shut schools and raise class sizes in the Motor City to 60 students.Liz Dwyer25 Feb, 2011
Articles Steven Colbert and Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Skewer Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Colbert weighs in on the Wisconsin protests with "the president of the American Federation of Teachers, Mullah Sheikh Omar Randi Weingarten."Liz Dwyer25 Feb, 2011
Articles Half of Detroit's Schools May Close Financial mismanagement and declining enrollment are ringing a death knell for Detroit's schools.Liz Dwyer15 Jan, 2011
Articles California Declares Education Budget "Financial Emergency" With more budget cuts on the horizon, schools in the Golden State are set for fiscal annihilation.Liz Dwyer10 Jan, 2011
The Chalkboard: Packed Like Sardines It turns out that not only geography, but also grade level, is a factor in determining how many kids are crammed into one classroom.Good Is29 May, 2010