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clean water



People Are Awesome: Office Supply Salesman's 40-Hour Tahoe Swim

Jamie Patrick's Labor Day weekend plans: Test the limits of human capability by swimming the entire circumference of Lake Tahoe.

Interactive Infographic: How Does Lack of Water Affect Women and Children?

In the developing world, the daily task of finding clean water disproportionally affects the community's most vulnerable: women and children.

Interactive Infographic: Picturing A Lifetime of Clean Water Access

Nearly 1 billion people lack basic access to clean water, which has a devastating impact on their lives. What would it be like if everyone had water?

Infographic: 10 Ways to Stop Wasting Water

A family of four can survive on 3 gallons of water a day. An average American household uses 400 gallons a day. Help reduce your water footprint now.


Superb Idea: The Rainwater Pillow

Here's an interesting contraption for rainwater collection:The Rainwater Pillow system.


A "Revolutionary" Bacteria-powered Water Filter

Scientists at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, have created "revolutionary" compact water-treatment units.


Do We Need Mandatory Rainwater Capture?

It looks like Los Angeles may soon require that people capture rainwater and do something responsible with it, rather than letting it go to waste.


LOOK: Bringing Wells to Rural Ghana

Well Done is working to deliver clean water to villages in Ghana and they're succeeding, one well at a time.


Seawater: Our Only Hope for a Drink

Desalination of seawater has become a necessity, but it has to be done right.


Transparency: Drinking Water

It's the source of life but it's also the cause of a lot of unnecessary death. In places that lack sanitation, water-related diseases can be devastating.


Superb Idea: A Toilet that Uses Runoff Water from Your Sink

The AQUS System is a simple way to capture the water from your sink's drain, do some basic filtering, and then run it into your toilet.