Science Scientific American to use the term 'climate emergency' in magazine's future coverage Jessica CorbettApr 13, 2021
Health The upcoming election isn't just about the next four years, but the next 10,000 Bill MckibbenAug 08, 2020
Science More than 115 groups call on the next president to take climate justice action 'from day one' Jessica CorbettJul 28, 2020
Jane Goodall: Humanity will be 'finished' after Covid-19 unless we change our ways Jessica CorbettJun 04, 2020
Science 416 PPM: Carbon in atmosphere hits new record high and no one is talking about it Annie ReneauFeb 13, 2020
UN says climate change disasters are occurring at a rate of one a week, and we need to start preparing Heidi Lux03 Dec, 2019
By switching out this single household item, you could save money and the planet The original Tide Pods, but way better for the environmentMichelle Gant25 Nov, 2019
Climate change is unearthing artifacts from melting glaciers One of the unexpected "benefits" of climate change.Heidi Lux16 Oct, 2019
Here's the best place in America to live to dodge the oncoming climate catastrophe While most of the country could be an uninhabitable disaster, this town will actually be nicer than it is now.Tperry25 Sep, 2019
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is an evangelical Christian climate scientist — and a breath of fresh air The 2019 U.N. Champion of the Earth award winner brilliantly takes on climate change denial from a unique perspective.Annie Reneau24 Sep, 2019
Greta Thunberg inspires while Donald Trump is mocked at the UN Climate Summit The 16-year-old gave a captivating speech, while the president left the audience in a fit of laughter.Tperry23 Sep, 2019
Youth activists gather to fight climate change at UN Summit: 'We need to transform anger into action' Rachel Reilich21 Sep, 2019
Science Greta Thunberg's Greatest Hits: 10 times the teen activist unflinchingly spoke truth to power "You only talk about moving forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess."Annie Reneau17 Sep, 2019
Culture Your words could help heal the world Today, word choice matters, not only at the highest levels of political power in our country, but in our everyday speech, no matter our political persuasion or good intentions.Silvie Snow-Thomas12 Sep, 2019