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climate science



Climategate, Fact Checked

This amazing video shows the long, arduous process of fact-checking reporter Kate Sheppard's new feature on the Climategate scandal.


Can Dr. Richard Alley Convince Skeptics of Climate Change?

A Republican, church-going climate scientist who can actually communicate climate science gets a special on PBS. We're excited.


Scientist Beloved by Climate Deniers Pulls Rug Out from Their Argument

Skeptics of climate science have been licking their lips waiting for Richard Muller's latest research. Today, he threw them for a loop.


Could Congress's Inevitable Climate Hearings Be a Good Thing?

File under glass half full: President Obama's head science guy thinks that Congressional climate science hearings would be a good thing.


Real Heat Maps: Watch As the World Burns

NASA maps show global temperature anomalies by decade, leaving no doubt whatsoever about our planet's warming trend.


Baron Hill: Congress's Best Climate Messenger? Indiana Candidate Nails Climate Messaging: "This is God's Green Earth and We Ought to Respect It"

Baron Hill presents an awesomely reasonable rebuttal to climate-change deniers-it's an object lesson for science-adhering politicians.


How 'Climategate' Is like the O.J. Trial

Attack the process and the truth doesn't matter. This is the tactic currently being employed by the climate denying flacks of fossil fuels. With a...