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Local Power: Boulder Considers Moving Off the Grid

For decades, Xcel Energy has provided Boulder, Colorado, with electricity. But the city wasn't getting what it wanted—enough clean energy.


Activists Paint "Quit Coal" On Chicago Coal Plant Smokestack

Check out this remarkable time-lapse video of activists painting "Quit Coal" on a Chicago smokestack.


New Study Says Bad Air Makes for Bad Workers

CEOs take note: A compromised ability to breathe makes people less effective cogs in your profit machine.


823,475 Reasons Why Speaker Boehner Isn't Serious About Cutting Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Since 1999, John Boehner has received $823,475 from coal and oil companies. Think that has anything to do with his totally misleading Facebook poll?


How Close Do You Live to Toxic Coal Emissions?

A new interactive map from the Sierra Club lets you see just how close you and your loved ones live to the toxic emissions from coal-burning plants.


The Dirty Money in Your Senator's Pocket

Click and see how much dirty energy money your elected officials are receiving. Compare it to how many kids with asthma they represent.


Top Twelve American Banks, Coal and Oil Companies Paid Less Taxes Than You

This great infographic shows how the dirtiest dozen American corporations are gaming the system and paying less than you in taxes.


"Chicago Six" Take Two Windy City Coal Plants

Direct action against polluters seems to be gaining momentum.


Children in the Southeast to Breathe Easier: 18 Coal Plants Shutting Down

These were the area's oldest, dirtiest coal plants. Good riddance.


If the Government Shuts Down, Don't Worry: Federal Coal Auctions Will Go On

The Bureau of Land Management has assured coal barons that public land will be available to buy and plunder, government shutdown or no.


The Banks Most Responsible for Blasting Mountains and Ruining Appalachia

See which banks are still financing mountaintop removal coal mining and ensuring the destruction of the world's oldest mountains.


Reality Check: Coal Is Still Our Fastest Growing Energy Source

Coal is an energy source of the past, right? Well, not really. Discouraging chart inside.


Coal, the Great New Reality Show that Totally Misleads You About Modern Mining

The miners in Coal are hardworking, blue-collar Americans struggling for a paycheck. But this isn't the kind of mine America's coal comes from.


Massey Energy Tone Deaf on the Anniversary of the Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion

One year ago today, 29 coal miners died in an explosion at a Massey Energy mine in West Virginia. It could have been prevented.


Spread the Word: Help Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Today

It's a national call-in today to end mountaintop removal coal mining. Let's help them.


Coal Plants Don't Create All That Many Construction Jobs After All

The construction of coal-fired power plants is always heralded as an employment bonanza for their host communities. Unfortunately, it's often a lie.