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How to Solve Dhaka's Serious Water Crisis by Harvesting Rainwater

Dhaka, Bangladesh is running out of water, fast. So residents are turning to the sky for help.


Spider Webs and the Battle Over Federal Caffeine Limits

One hundred years ago, the predecessor of the FDA had no data on how caffeine affects humans. Unbelievably, the same is pretty much true today.


This Is Probably Coca-Cola's Secret Recipe (and There's No Corn Syrup)

This American Life thinks it's uncovered one of the most closely guarded recipes in the whole world. You can find it right here.


Dietary Supplements: Monday, February 14

Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Today we're serving up Coke's secret recipe and blood chocolate. Enjoy!


Food for Thinkers: I Like Coke

Architect Dan Maginn considers the precise conditions under which Coke becomes a perfectly designed object—a Truly Memorable, Great Coke.

The GOOD 100: Cola Life

There aren't too many places in the world where you can't buy a Coke, and that includes some of the remotest parts of developing...