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Helping Girls of Color Smash the Digital Divide

The gap between innovators and consumers is the new digital divide. Black Girls CODE


CodeScouts Helps Female Hackers Avoid 'Locker Room' Mentality While Learning to Code

At the kickoff event for Code Scouts—a nonprofit providing support and resources to women learning to code—founder Michelle Rowley Grlická stands in front of a room of almost all women, welcoming both new and familiar faces in the Portland, Oregon tech community.


Google Engineer Says Vietnamese 11th Graders Know Enough Computer Science to Pass Their Interview Process

Google Engineer Says Vietnamese 11th Graders Know Enough Computer Science to Pass Their Interview Process


Intermission: Why Don't They Teach Coding in Schools?

Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates on why more schools should be teaching students how to code.


App Therapy: What Building Spacebook Taught Me About Finishing Something

Learning to finish something might be the most useful skill I’ve been neglecting most of my adult life. About a year ago I read a blog post...


Hack the Planet: Why Code Scouts Is Helping Women Join the Tech Community

Michelle Rowley is a software developer, community organizer, and entrepreneur. She founded Code Scouts to help more women join the tech world.


Etsy Narrows the Gender Gap with a Coding Scholarship for Women

Web development is dominated by dudes, so Etsy's giving out 20 scholarships to ladies who want to get better at coding.


Should 3-Year-Olds Learn Computer Programming?

Scratch Jr hopes to teach preschoolers enough coding that they can design their own video games.