Articles 21st Century Hitchhiking: Social Carpooling Launches on East Coast Alex GoldmarkAug 07, 2012
Articles Spring Cleaning: Better Ways to Sell Your Stuff Calling all closet entrepreneurs: Your trash may be someone else's treasure.Elizabeth Hagen15 Apr, 2012
Articles Can Anyone Make A 'Netflix for Baby Clothes' Work? Collaborative consumption business models meet their test in the hyper-competitive baby clothing sector.Alex Goldmark01 Mar, 2012
Articles Share Your WiFi, Earn Some Cash, Do Some Good Can selling access to your personal WiFi bridge the digital divide?Alex Goldmark23 Feb, 2012
Articles GiftFlow: When Collaborative Consumption Isn't Enough, Try Collaborative Production GiftFlow Wants to Build Local Economies Around Sharing It's like eBay and CouchSurfing had a kid—a way to build community and reduce waste by sharing freely with your neighbors.Alex Goldmark14 May, 2011
Articles Hand Me Downs Go High Tech (Or at Least the Way They're Handed Down Does) Handing Down Hand Me Downs Goes High Tech creates a kids' clothing exchange for the 21st century by merging online technology with traditional 'hand-me-downs.'Allison Arieff04 Mar, 2011
Design Sharing Is Contagious: An Infographic on the Rise of Collaborative Consumption "Sharing is Contagious" charts how we are increasingly growing up sharing files, photos, knowledge, and daily thoughts.Good Is06 Sep, 2010