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collective bargaining



Wisconsin Students Planning School Walkout to Protest End of Collective Bargaining

Students are responding to Scott Walker's plan to end collective bargaining by planning a school walkout—and they want it to go national.


Arne Duncan's Against Seniority-Based Teacher Layoffs

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan wants to change the policy of firing the teachers who've been in the job for the shortest time first.


Infographic: How the Koch Brothers and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Turn Democracy Into a Game of Monopoly

An easy-to-trace look at how the Koch brothers' millions are buying political favors in Minnesota.


Psst, Scott Walker: Unionized Teachers Might Boost SAT Scores

Before the Wisconsin governor wipes out teacher's collective bargaining rights, he might want to look at student test score data.


Free Pizza (and Solidarity) for Madison Protesters

Cairo lends support to Wisconsin protestors with pizza. Countries around the world follow suit.