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college admissions



How One Chicago School Got Every Low-Income Student to College

100 percent of seniors at Chicago's Gary Comer College Prep have been accepted to four-year universities.


Most Students Who Should Be Taking AP Exams Aren't

More than 60 percent of students who qualify to take an AP exam never do. Guess who's getting left behind?


Can a Facebook App Get High School Students Into Their Dream Schools?

Acceptly wants to help high school students hack the college admissions process.


In College Admissions, Student Volunteers Have a Competitive Edge

Highly selective schools want applicants who are committed to one issue for multiple years.


More College Applicants, More Students Waitlisted

The most recent data from the National Association for College Admission Counseling shows college enrollment is on the rise.


College Admissions Officers Are Definitely Checking Your Facebook Page

Record numbers of college admissions officers admit they're checking out applicants' Facebook pages. Is it time to scrub your digital footprint?


After 94 Years, Tiny Deep Springs College Goes Coed

After 94 years and plenty of debate, the tiny nontraditional school is going coed. Two alumni reflect on the decision.


New Service Promises a Crystal Ball for College Admissions uses data to show students colleges that are likely to accept them


Now You Can Tweet Your Way Into an MBA Program

Forget writing application essays. The University of Iowa's MBA program only requires 140 characters, and you might get a $37,000 scholarship, too


The New Role of Money in Admissions: Is This the End of the Meritocratic Ideal?

Under a disturbing new proposal, students would be able to buy a guaranteed spot at Oxford and other top English universities.


Rejected From College: If You're a Woman, A Less-Qualified Man Probably Took Your Spot

Men are getting a leg up in the admissions game, all in favor of "gender balance."


Do Rich White Kids Automatically Think They're Harvard Material?

According to counselors, low-income black students need to be talked up into applying to elite schools. Well-off white students need talking down.


Extra Credit: Stressed Out Studentsp

Standardized testing and college pressure: what we're reading at GOOD Education HQ


Meet the Facebook App That Predicts College Admissions

Want someone to tell you if you have a shot at getting into your dream school? Now there's an app for that.


College Admissions and Affirmative Action: In Texas it's Still Legal

A court says the University of Texas at Austin can consider race as an admissions factor. With college admission so competitive, are they right?


@GOOD Asks: Should Colleges Accept the Same Number of Men and Women Regardless of Who Applies? Answers

GOOD readers tell us their thoughts on whether gender should influence college admissions: " Academics should not have a gender quota, race quota, or religion quota."