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You're Not Powerless: How to Talk to Kids About Violence After a Tragedy

Kids need reassurance and ways to take action against hate.


Climate Change Happening Now, Even if Media Hasn't Caught On

The Colorado wildfires are "a window into what global warming really looks like." Someone just needs to tell most media outlets that.


Why Denver Is a Model for Education in America

DSST Public Schools CEO Bill Kurtz shares what's working between charters and public schools in his town.


What Teachers Want to Know: When Will Testing Company Employees Get Laid Off?

Everyone has to feel the pain of budget cuts—except the companies being paid millions to make standardized tests.


Send Us Evidence of the Valentine Phantom In Your Town

Each year around this time, mysterious red hearts pop up in cities across the country. We're collecting your photos for a Valentine's Day slideshow.


How to Protest The Cost of College Tuition: Pay With Dollar Bills

It took Nic Ramos two days to collect enough singles from "five or six" different bank branches. But he made his point.

Transparency: Which States Have the Drunkest Drivers

Some states seem to just attract people who make better decisions about whether or not to get in the car after drinking.


GOOD Design Daily: An Overpass for Colorado Wildlife

A competition has chosen five designs for a hypothetical wildlife corridor that will help animals safely cross Interstate 70 near Vail, Colorado.


Most Offensive Anti-Obama Billboard Ever

Obama portrayed as all bad thing things to all people in a shockingly offensive manner.

The GOOD 100: South Main, Colorado

Urban Pastoral: Taking the city to the suburbs Like the road to hell, the American Dream was paved with good...


Colorado's Giving People $6,000 for a Plug-in Conversion

The state of Colorado is giving people tax credits that will offset the cost of turning a hybrid car into a full plug-in electric by as much as...