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This will almost certainly be Nancy Pelosi's last term as House Speaker. What can we expect?

How will Nancy Pelosi define herself and Democrats in the post-Trump era?


AOC calls out Mitch McConnell for breaking the Senate while Americans need COVID relief

"He broke the Senate, and dismissed the Senate, while 30 million Americans are on the brink of eviction."

Georgia's GOP senators called for the Sec of State to resign. He fired back with the facts.

The Secretary of State, who is also a Republican, had some thoughts.

Georgia senator being calmly skewered by his opponent is the stuff of legends

Sen. David Perdue has backed out of his next debate after John Ossoff's epic takedown went viral.

Who formally declares the winner of the US presidential election?

The U.S. also differs from most other democracies in that it has no independent electoral commission to certify the final vote count.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains what's really wrong with sexist attack from GOP congressman

"Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man."

Democrats won't allow Republicans to speak in coronavirus hearings unless they wear masks

"If you want to be tough, go spend the day with the nurses and doctors in the hospitals."

One of the most mild-mannered members of Congress just went off on his colleagues over the new Coronavirus relief bill

Tim Ryan is moderate, bipartisan and 'boring.' When he gets angry, people should listen.

A 'bipartisan' group of lawmakers wants to give coronavirus loans to vicious payday lenders

"Payday lenders exploit millions of working families through predatory practices. Congress shouldn't prop them up during this crisis."

A majority of U.S., including most Republicans, support monthly $2,000 payments during coronavirus

A plurality of all respondents cited a wealth tax as their preferred way to pay for the program.

Trump signals support for direct cash payments to most Americans but big questions remain

Lawmakers must still decide the check size and exactly who qualifies.


Should Society Fund Mindfulness?

Putting taxpayer money toward meditation programs? It’s not as crazy as you might think.


Ordinary Citizens Catalyzing Change: A 'People's History' of 2013

The real story of 2013 was "ordinary people" in the streets who challenged injustice and worked for "good."