Articles Girl Scouts Stand up to Right-Wing Criticism of Transgender Members Heather DockrayMay 21, 2015
Articles Should Michigan Law Students Have to Listen to an Anti-Gay Commencement Speaker? Cord JeffersonApr 23, 2011
Articles GOP Official Says Her Incredibly Racist Obama Monkey Email Wasn't Racist Marilyn Davenport calls Obama a chimp but says she's not a bigot.Cord Jefferson21 Apr, 2011
Articles Chart: If You Want More Abortions, Defund Planned Parenthood Cutting funding to an organization that provides contraception is a really bad way to attack abortion.Cord Jefferson14 Apr, 2011
Articles Seriously, What Is the Deal with These Idiots Who Hate Muslims? If you want to kick Islam out of America, you're the one who's un-American.Cord Jefferson27 Mar, 2011
Articles Glenn Beck's Audience Is Getting Vastly Smaller, Older Only your grandparents watch Glenn Beck these days.Cord Jefferson19 Mar, 2011
Articles Video: Idiotic New Conservative Ad Compares Planned Parenthood to Blending Bunnies A new anti-abortion ad directly lies to people in an effort to destroy Planned Parenthood.Cord Jefferson04 Mar, 2011
Articles Video: Look at These Awesome Young Conservatives (Seriously!) Here's a video of some young Republicans completely shutting down an old racist. It's inspiring to watch.Cord Jefferson18 Feb, 2011
Articles Video: Meet the Racist Group Out to Destroy Multiculturalism on College Campuses The Youth for Western Civilization Talk Multiculturalism at CPAC The Youth for Western Civilization are coming to denigrate other cultures at a college campus near you.Cord Jefferson17 Feb, 2011