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Where Trump goes, COVID follows—cases spike in counties where he's held rallies

"By virtually any standard, Trump's rallies ignore every public health recommendation to mitigate the spread of Covid-19."

Mitch McConnell just laughs when when confronted by opponent on failing to pass Covid relief

Imagine if our leaders worked together to tackle Covid-19. Instead, we have this.


The rule for hiding a president's health problems—'lie early and often'

It's one of the most common types of political deception perpetuated against journalists and the public.


Trump, leaving hospital, tells nation: "Don't be afraid of Covid"

"How many people will die because of this tweet?"


How three prior pandemics triggered massive societal shifts

Before March of this year, few probably thought disease could be a significant driver of human history.


How and when will we know that a COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective?

With COVID-19 vaccines currently in the final phase of study, you've probably been wondering how the FDA will decide if a vaccine is safe and effective.


I’m an epidemiologist who got COVID-19. Here’s how it feels when symptoms last for months.

"Imagine being young and healthy, a nonsmoker with no preexisting health conditions, and then waking up one morning feeling like you were being suffocated by an unseen force."


Opinion: I'm a student and I know your school is lying to you about safely re-opening

Now, more than ever, the institutions we've been taught to trust are taking advantage of us.


A rocket scientist's solution to the complex challenge of re-opening America's schools

The U.S. has successfully completed moonshots before. We can do it again.


Random testing in Indiana shows COVID-19 is 6 times deadlier than flu

The random testing also shows that 2.8% of the state's populations has been infected by the novel coronavirus.


Trump attempting to block billions in funding for Covid-19 testing in new relief bill

"I try to avoid hyperbole but I can't think what to call this other than attempted murder."