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Sick of Corporations? Co-Op Evangelists Want You on Their Side

The cooperative movement wants to win over millions disappointed by the corporate world, and it starts with explaining what exactly a co-op is.


Why Are We Fooled By Urban Outfitters? Miley Cyrus Outs Urban Outfitters for Donating to Anti-Gay Candidates

We shouldn't be so surprised that major corporations don't support our values, even if they have an alternative vibe.


Texas to Layoff 100,000 Teachers While Giving Millions to Formula One Racing

The Lone Star State plans to fund a race track instead of schools. Really.


People Are Awesome: This College Kid Is an Expert at Taking Big Companies to Court, and Winning!

This college student is "on a mission to show you don't have to pay a lawyer $225 an hour to get your voice heard."


Are We Handing Education Over to Corporate America?

With Mayor Michael Bloomberg tapping magazine executive Cathie Black to run New York City's schools, is business encroaching too far into education?

30 Places We Want to Work

We've compiled a list of 30 of the companies that, if we worked there, would have us excited to get out of bed each morning.