The city of Natchez Mississippi city will pay you $6,000 and $300 more a month to move there TperryFeb 09, 2021
Health COVID-19 vaccines were developed in record time – but are these game-changers safe? William PetriNov 24, 2020
Health AOC calls out Mitch McConnell for breaking the Senate while Americans need COVID relief Jessica CorbettNov 21, 2020
Health Geraldo Rivera suggested we name the COVID-19 vaccine after Trump—for real The fact that he said all of this with a straight face is really something.Annie Reneau20 Nov, 2020
Fox News urges Trump to work with Biden on COVID-19: 'It's In The Country's Best Interest' Fox News is right: the pandemic should not be political.Tperry18 Nov, 2020
Trump's GOP worked harder to stop people from voting than they did to stop Covid-19 from spreading Whose side are they on?Allan Nairn03 Nov, 2020
A year ago, Joe Biden warned us about pandemic preparedness. Now, his words are prophetic. Oct 12, 2019: "We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump rolled back progress Obama and I made ..."Tperry27 Oct, 2020
A leading liberal voice in Congress says it's time to make a Covid relief deal with Trump "Millions of real people's lives are at stake."Jake Johnson14 Oct, 2020
Video graphic shows how blue states are far better at stopping COVID-19 than red states This really says it all.Tperry13 Oct, 2020
Mitch McConnell just laughs when when confronted by opponent on failing to pass Covid relief Imagine if our leaders worked together to tackle Covid-19. Instead, we have this.Jake Johnson13 Oct, 2020
Culture 'Bullsh*t': CNN's Chris Cuomo couldn't hold back on live TV after Trump's White House return "What a bunch of bullsh*t."Tperry06 Oct, 2020
Health Trump, leaving hospital, tells nation: "Don't be afraid of Covid" "How many people will die because of this tweet?"Andrea Germanos05 Oct, 2020
Joe Biden handled Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis with presidential dignity and grace No gloating. Human decency. And a call to action.Eric Pfeiffer02 Oct, 2020
Culture A woman was tased at a football game after refusing to wear a mask. Was the officer right? Was it excessive force or did she deserve it for refusing to comply?Tperry25 Sep, 2020
Health Mitt Romney says America needs an 'aggressive campaign' to fight back against anti-vaxxers The anti-vaxx movement continues to grow despite the evidence against it.Tperry23 Sep, 2020
Rep. Jim Cyburn says it's 'God-awful' for Attorney General Barr to compare Covid lockdown to slavery "Slavery was not about saving lives, it was about devaluing lives."Tperry17 Sep, 2020
Culture Like everything else, Americans are politically divided on the basic facts of COVID-19 We can't solve it if we can't even get the facts straight.Peter Hans MatthewsAndrea Robbett24 Aug, 2020
Health Pope Francis says Covid-19 vaccine must be available for everyone — not just the rich "We must also cure a larger virus, that of social injustice, inequality of opportunity, marginalization, and the lack of protection for the weakest."Tperry19 Aug, 2020
Health Over 1 million people in the U.K. have quit smoking cigarettes because of the coronavirus What an amazing accomplishment.Tim Mercer18 Aug, 2020