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criminal justice



Can Court Mandated Yoga and Meditation Keep Kids Out of Prison?

The Lineage Project is helping rehabilitate incarcerated and troubled youth by teaching them skills like meditation and yoga.


Social Impact Bond Launches in U.S. Backed By Goldman Sachs, Mike Bloomberg Billionaires See Profit in Prisons, But It's a Good Thing This Time

The money men at Goldman Sachs join NYC's Billionaire-in-Chief to use creative finance for good. The Social Impact Bond has come to America!


No Safety in Numbers A New Way to Treat Sex Offenders

Are registries the worst way to manage convicted sex offenders?


Why the Norway Shooter May End Up Serving A Life Sentence

Anders Breivik isn't going to jail for 21 years, but he won't be executed either. His countrymen tell us they prefer a less "medieval" punishment.


Weighing the Death Penalty vs. Life Without Parole

What's worse—Death? Life in prison? Life after prison?


Light-Skinned Black Women Receive Shorter Prison Sentences Than Dark Women

A scary new study says a person's color, not just her race, is a factor in criminal sentencing.


Capital Stupidity: The Death Penalty Costs California $300 Million Per Execution

Not only is the death penalty racist, classist, and ultra-violent, a new study says it's tremendously wasteful, too.


Why Prison Rape Jokes Are Really Not Funny

With hundreds of thousands of sexual assaults behind bars annually, prison rape is no laughing matter.


Spread the Word: Send a Quick Message of Hope to an Innocent Prisoner

Thomas Haynesworth is an innocent man whose freedom is in sight. Send him a quick message of hope and support here.


Should an 11-Year-Old Boy Go to Jail for Life?

Jordan Brown is set to be tried as an adult for a crime committed when he was 11. He might go to jail for life. America's exceptional like that.


Can the U.K.'s Social Impact Bonds Work in the United States?

A new plan harnesses profit incentive to solve social problems. If it works, it could scale big enough to change government programs everywhere.


Meet the Social Impact Bond

A new way to pay for social innovations launches in the U.K. The first Social Impact Bond will pay to fight recidivism with money from charity...



There are currently more than 2.3 million people incarcerated in the United States. What does that look like, exactly? That's equivalent to...