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More Than 400 Authors Put Their Disapproval Of Donald Trump In Writing

Even Stephen King thinks the presidential hopeful is terrifying


New App Lets College Hoops Fans Pay Their Favorite Players

The NCAA brings in $1 billion a year in total revenue. The schools and coaches make millions. The players? $0.


Fighting Scientific Bias Through Crowdsourcing

“Humans desire certainty, and science infrequently provides it.”


Twitter Is Helping Scientists Identify Earthquakes Faster Than Sophisticated Sensors

Because if no one is tweeting about it, there’s probably no earthquake.


New App Lets You Rank People By Awfulness, Makes Us Question Our Humanity

User review site Peeples lets us digitally judge ourselves and our neighbors—but will this make us better people?


This Smart Thermometer Tells You What to Do When You’re Sick

And tracks sickness as it moves around your community.

This Is What It Looks Like to Hack Illiteracy

Here’s what happens when the Bay area’s most innovative thinkers get together for a #ProjectLiteracy makeathon.


New Bike Rig Makes It Easier Than Ever for Cyclists to Do Something About Pesky Potholes

“Auto-Complain” lets bikers tag and show the world where the roughest roads are.


Make Giving to Charity as Easy as Typing a Hashtag

A new startup + Facebook or Twitter + #donate = money for your favorite cause.


Switching Your Car’s GPS to a Child’s Voice Could Make the Roads Safer for Everyone

Makers of a new navigation system hope that hearing a child’s voice in play-heavy areas will help drivers avoid preventable accidents


Fight Back Against Poor Parkers With This Photo-Shaming App

TowIt lets you call out crappy parking jobs and the terrible drivers behind them.


NASA Crowdsources Martian Living With Their "Journey to Mars Challenge"

To help establish a permanent presence on the red planet, NASA turns to the public.


Seven Cities Around the World Are Hacking Their Environment and Crowdsourcing the Data

Hackers, makers, and innovators around the world have set up DIY environmental data sensors and are crowdsourcing their findings.


Follow the Crowd

Why online gaming may just be the future of science