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Victory! Workers at Ikea's Lone U.S. Factory Vote to Unionize

Take that. Ikea's U.S. factory managers where behaving very un-Swedish. But they couldn't stop a union campaign without damaging the Ikea brand.


Superb Idea: Virgin America Rolls Out Water-Bottle Refill Stations Virgin America Rolls Out Water-Bottle Refill Stations

After the TSA pats you down, x-rays your undies, and dumps your liquids, at least now you don't have to pay $4 for bottled water.


'Move Your Money' and Help Your Local Community

Make change today by putting your change into a community bank. Two million other people have already join the campaign to "Move Your Money."


Kenneth Cole Pranked After His Off-Color Cairo Tweet

Check out the creative rogue response to Kenneth Cole's tone-deaf Cairo tweet. But is it real?


Hollender Speaks (Part 3): On What's Next for Jeffrey Hollender Jeffrey Hollender, Fired from Seventh Generation, Has Plans to Fix The World

Jeffrey Hollender always thinks big. So what does the pioneering founder of Seventh Generation have planned now that his company cut him loose?


Hollender Speaks (Part 2): On What's Next for Seventh Generation Jeffrey Hollender on How to Hold Seventh Generation Accountable

Ousted founder Jeffrey Hollender explains how to tell if the company he created is sticking to his original values—and a company response.


Jeffrey Hollender Finally Speaks on Being Fired from Seventh Generation Hollender Speaks (Part 1): On Why He Was Fired from Seventh Generation

After months of silence, Jeffrey Hollender discusses his sudden, emotional ouster from the company he built into a model of corporate responsibility.


BOOK: Five Strategies for Social Innovation by Jason Saul

Five strategies to help companies switch from traditional do-good strategies like philanthropy to creating real profit while solving social problems.


Dell Tops Newsweek's Big Company Green Rankings, Flushes Goodwill Down the Drain

Newsweek ranks the biggest American and global companies on their environmental records. Dell takes the top spot.