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data visualization



A $113 Million Idea Conquering the World is a Beautiful Thing to Watch

A hypnotic data visualization of the spread of one of history's most viral phenomenons


Visualizing a Better World: This App Lets You See Progress on UN Goals

Better World Flux is an app that lets users explore the World Bank Open Data from the Millenium Development Goals.


See the World Rebalancing with PopTech's Data Viz App

Make your own New York Times "news memory map" and plug into data from young people in the developing world.


Remember GeoCities? Explore a Map of the Vintage Internet Metropolis

Feed your late-'90s internet nostalgia with a data visualization of the GeoCities universe


Pie Charts Take to the Streets

Creating politically charged street art just got a bit easier with this new adjustable pie-chart stencil.


Exploring Data Visualization With Two Years' Worth of Food Looking Into Data Visualization With Laura Manning's Food Consumed

Designer Lauren Manning has been meticulously documenting the food she eats. Now, she's visualizing this data set in "a bajillion different ways."

Slideshow: Seven Tax Day Interactive Visualizations to Help Understand Where Your Money Goes

Celebrate Tax Day with these clever "receipts" that show you where your tax money goes, or how much beer you could have bought instead.


Here's What A Lifetime's Worth of Corn Syrup Consumption Looks Like

Could a cherished aspect of our diet—those sweet drinks and sugary snacks—actually be toxic in the long run? If only it were that simple.


Two Harvard Design Students Won an Award for This Amazing Water Visualization

Spend 15 minutes playing with and learning from the most incredible water-focused data visualization you've ever seen.


Interactive Chart: Deaths per TWh by Energy Source

Coal is the most lethal energy source, while natural gas and nuclear stack up relatively well.


Best Urban Infographics Ever

Urbanist Yuri Artibise loves urban infographics. So do we. Here's our mutual love fest.

Pyramids, Plates, and Pagodas: Dietary Guidelines From Around the World

As the USDA updates the food pyramid to match its new Dietary Guidlines, check out what a healthy diet looks like around the world.


Intermission: Watch Nicholas Felton Document His Day

This video shows how the graphic designer tracks everything from the food he eats to the movies he watches, every single day.


"What Is Data Visualization?" Asks Truly Meta, Complex Venn Diagram

In order to explain data visualization, Ffunction created this truly meta, complex venn diagram. Our hats are off to them.