Articles Dealbreaker: He's a Crack Addict Some days, he’d wake up on a Saturday morning, say he had to run some errands, and turn up 24 hours later.Liz MamontMeghan Murphy31 Mar, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He Held Me Back I was a social butterfly with a wild streak; he could count his friends on one hand and spent most weekends in.Liz MamontJillian Anthony23 Mar, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He Fell Asleep Under a Van As he lay there, snoring and reeking of fuel, I stared at him wondering how I'd sunken to this point. But I knew how.Taylor Jenkins ReidLiz Mamont16 Mar, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: I Was On Vacation I needed access to people and parties I wouldn’t meet on the typical tourist route. I decided to do it the easiest way I knew: I would date.Mackenzie BeerLiz Mamont10 Mar, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He Was a Drunk Everyone has those crazy nights once in a while when they drink too much, I told myself.Liz MamontOscar Raymundo03 Mar, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: I Made Him Sick “Do you want me to take a shower?” I asked, overly conscious of the trace levels of cat that must be caking my skin.Lux AlptraumLiz Mamont25 Feb, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: She Wanted Kids I feel I’m doing our crippled economy a favor by shooting for zero offspring. She wanted four.Liz MamontIan Cohen18 Feb, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He's a Know-It-All We both knew a lot about music, but even if I knew the answer, I’d never win a fight.Brittany ShootLiz Mamont11 Feb, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: I Wasn't Attracted to Her The physical contact remained— “remained” being the key word.Nicholas PellLiz Mamont04 Feb, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He Doesn't Give Compliments He was a numbers guy, and he approached relationships with the same dispassionate logic he would any other equation.Megan GreenwellLiz Mamont28 Jan, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: She's Gay We didn’t know where our relationship would go from there, but we both knew we didn’t want a divorce.Beth HoeckelPaul M. Davis21 Jan, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He Led a Double Life Everything was a lie, and he’d bought and paid for every one. Not because he ever needed to, but just because he could.Megan CarpentierLiz Mamont14 Jan, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: She's Never Had a Job Not even a high school gig bagging groceries at the corner store.Aaron LeitkoMatthew Beck07 Jan, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He's A Man-Child Whenever I’d ask Gordon a serious question, he’d start re-enacting a courtship scene from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.Gaby Dunn01 Jan, 2012
Articles Dealbreaker: He Changed His Name "Hector," it turned out, was his second try at a new name; he hadn’t had much luck with Nicholas.Liz MamontJason Farago24 Dec, 2011
Articles Dealbreaker: He's on the Rebound “Aren’t you, like, a broken man?” I asked, my hand protectively covering my lips. “Probably,” he conceded.Jessica GuilfoyleBeth Hoeckel17 Dec, 2011