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A 'bipartisan' group of lawmakers wants to give coronavirus loans to vicious payday lenders

"Payday lenders exploit millions of working families through predatory practices. Congress shouldn't prop them up during this crisis."

Wisconsin Republicans insisted on having an unsafe election last week. The Democrats won.

Trump kept insisting his endorsement would make all the difference. Maybe he was right?


Imperfect Platform: Things to Think About While Watching the DNC

While watching the cheerleading, it's useful to have a list of issues you wish politicians would address clearly. Here it is.


The Personalized Campaign: How Democrats Are Selling Two Different Obamas

The "first Internet president" has a major thing going for him—the ability to individualize the voter's experience.


Occupy Wall Streeters Aren't Republicans—Or Democrats

Attention, 2012 candidates: Most Occupy Wall Street supporters have no party affiliation.


Why Denver Is a Model for Education in America

DSST Public Schools CEO Bill Kurtz shares what's working between charters and public schools in his town.


Since 1995, GOP Congresspeople Have Received More Than $5 Million in Farm Subsidies

Democrats have received less than a tenth of that. But the debate over farm subsidies is complicated.


Poll: White Republicans Believe Their Children Will Have the Worst Future Ever

In a new poll from the Washington Post, white Republicans were far more likely than anyone else to fear America's future.


Obama Barely Leads Trump in New 2012 Presidential Poll

A new poll looking toward the 2012 presidential election has Republican challengers gaining on Obama.


Only 6 Percent of Scientists Are Republican. Is This a Problem?

Writing in Slate last week, Daniel Sarewitz worries that only 6 percent of scientists self-identify as Republican. But is this really a problem?


The History of American Political Opinion, in Video

This fascinating video shows the entire country's voting patterns from 1920 to the present slowly fading from one election to the next.


Negative Ads More Prevalent This Year It's Offical, This Election Was the Most Negative in a Decade

This is the most negative election in recent history. Who got meaner-the Democrats or the Republicans?


Is Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity Apolitical? Why Is Jon Stewart Pretending the Rally to Restore Sanity Is Apolitical?

A GOOD writer, on the eve of Jon Stewart's big "million moderate march" rally in Washington, contemplates the event's curious messaging.

Transparency: The Issues Each Party Is Running On

A graphic look at what issues candidates are using to try to mobilize their base. Is it health care, the economy, or immigration?

Primarily Speaking

An unconventional timeline of the 2008 presidential primaries. View Primarily Speaking.