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Mixology Mailbag Ages Gracefully

Are barrel-aged cocktails worth the wait?


Mixology Mailbag Drinks Around a Citrus Allergy

What to drink when you can't eat oranges, lemons, grapefruits, or limes.


Mixology Mailbag Majors in the Classics How to Stock Your First Home Bar

This week, Mixology Mailbag helps newly-minted drinkers stock up before they drink up.


Watch Your Mouth: Four Loko and the Search for a Safe Caffeinated Booze Four Loko and the Search for a Safe Caffeinated Booze

What coca-infused wine and a hyper-charged drinking culture can tell us about today's booze-with-a buzz craze.


Dealbreaker: I Couldn't Handle Her Food Issues

The extent of her eating issues opened up to me like a big, empty cabinet: Everything was gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy-free, taste-free.


The Rules Of: Going to a Bar Alone

Six steps to drinking alone without despair.


How Do You Feel About Letting Alcoholics Drink Themselves to Death?

A program in Minnesota says that sometimes the best treatment for addiction is no treatment at all.


Infographic: The Benefits of (a Couple) Beers

To inform your St. Patty's Day drinking, here's an infographic about the health benefits of raising a glass.


New Beer Promotion: Buy a Case, Get Free Company Stock

An Australian brewer has sold everything to keep his company open, but he's giving away ownership to anyone who buys enough beer.


Stone-Cold Drunk

New 2009 data shows that the "drunkest" cities in America are also some of the coldest—though drinking still doesn't warm you up.


Where Is Four Loko Banned?

Four Loko is finally drawing the attention of the authorities. Where can you still get it?


Legalize Moonshine: A Q&A with Max Watman

Max Watman's latest book chronicles his attempts to distill white whiskey in his basement, the history of ridge-running moonshine in souped-up...


Alcohol Olympics

Drinking has always been a mainstay of human civilization. In moments of joy, sadness, boredom, and even holiness, we drink. But what? And how much? And who drinks the most. Based on a 2004 study by the World Health Organization, this Transparency presents the most current international rankings..