Politics Federal judge scraps Trump's last-minute 'censored science' rule that helped polluters Kenny StancilFeb 03, 2021
Science Scientists find that human-made objects now outweigh all life on Earth Julia ConleyDec 18, 2020
'The most anti-wildlife president in history' guts species protection in his lame duck period Brett WilkinsDec 16, 2020
Court rejects Trump-approved Arctic drilling project in victory for polar bears and climate Jessica CorbettDec 09, 2020
Trump admin removes protections from Tongass National Forest, opening it to clearcutting Annie ReneauOct 29, 2020
Health The upcoming election isn't just about the next four years, but the next 10,000 "If another four years of inaction passes, the chance is over, and with it the planet as we've known it."Bill Mckibben08 Aug, 2020
Jane Goodall: Humanity will be 'finished' after Covid-19 unless we change our ways "We have brought this on ourselves because of our absolute disrespect for animals and the environment."Jessica Corbett04 Jun, 2020
Italian council chamber floods—just after council rejected climate change measures Oh, irony. You are having quite a day.Annie Reneau14 Nov, 2019
Everyone needs to read Greta Thunberg's responses to the rumors and lies about her Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year, you know who Greta Thunberg is. But depending on your chosen media and information outlets, what think you know about her might be totally false.Annie Reneau02 Oct, 2019
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is an evangelical Christian climate scientist — and a breath of fresh air The 2019 U.N. Champion of the Earth award winner brilliantly takes on climate change denial from a unique perspective.Annie Reneau24 Sep, 2019
Articles Could This Flag Unite Our Planet When We Land on Mars? The International Flag of Planet Earth is heavy on the symbolism, and ready to represent our world in outer space.Rafi Schwartz20 May, 2015
Articles Heads in the Clouds Take some time to channel your inner cloud-watcher and you just might discover something new, like these citizen scientists didSarah Stankorb16 Oct, 2014
Articles The Planet Will House 10 Billion People, and We Can Feed Them All Our population is going to grow by 3 billion people in the next century. But if we play our cards right, none of them will go hungry.Nona Willis Aronowitz15 Oct, 2011
Articles @GOOD Asks: What Would You Do If Tomorrow Was Your Last Day on Earth? The Community Answers Hillary Newman05 Jun, 2011
Earth Day From Above: NASA Satellites' Greatest Images of This Blue Marble Put the planet in perspective this Earth Day with these mesmerizing images from NASA satellites.Ben Jervey30 Apr, 2011
Design Infographic: Waste in Space A look at the massive amount of space garbage orbiting the planet.Column Five18 Mar, 2011
Articles Overload: Still Here, Bidder 70 Verdict Reached, and More America's most toxic cities and a Tim DeChristopher verdict in today's daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Environment HQ. Enjoy!Ben Jervey06 Mar, 2011
Articles Metal for Meditation What comes to mind when you think about heavy-metal music? Maybe it's burly dudes headbanging in unison or a violent mosh...Michelle Lanz10 Jan, 2010