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To Fight World Hunger, the Secret Ingredient Could Be Bugs

The EU hopes to “exploit the potential of insects as alternative sources of protein” and feel out “their potential incorporation into food."


Why Universities Are Building Superefficient Power Plants

The Department of Energy has called cogeneration plants “one of the most promising options in the US energy efficiency portfolio."


Can Eagles and Wind Turbines Coexist?

Both wind turbines and birds rely on the power of air currents to move them. That means that as more wind turbines are built, the towers claim...


Fuel Gets Fruity: Converting Produce Scraps into Gas

Composting isn't the only socially responsible way to manage food scraps.


London Restaurants Shame Drinkers Into Saying No to Plastic Straws

If businesses are going to promote more sustainable choices, they should promote choices that matter.


The Next Generation of Renewable Energy May Be Created Under Water

When reporters, politicians, and environmental advocates talk about renewable energy, they talk about wind and solar. This makes sense: Of the...


Fish Out of Water: Five Ocean Species We're Eating to Death

For some species of ocean dwellers, there just aren't that many fish in the sea.


Can Technology Make Tar Sands Oil Less Dirty?

A look at the technological advances in extracting tar sands oil that could help mitigate environmental impact


Why the Government Should Invest in Clean Energy

At a clean energy summit today, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said that, over the long-term, government support allows innovation to thrive.


Tulane Scientists Are Turning Newspapers Into Biofuel

Scientists at Tulane University have found a bacteria that produces butanol, a biofuel that’s superior to ethanol in just about every way.


New Study Finds Solar Panels Are "Contagious"

A new study finds that you're more likely to install solar panels if other people in your zip code have them.


Would It Cost You $2,500 to Grow Chard in Your Neighborhood?

Oakland urban agriculture hero Novella Carpenter was just busted for growing chard. A new interactive map shows you what's legal in your community.


Faux-tosynthesis: The Artificial Leaf that Could Power Your Home

A "Holy Grail" of solar research has reportedly been achieved: MIT scientists have created a fake "leaf" that mimics photosynthesis.


Two Harvard Design Students Won an Award for This Amazing Water Visualization

Spend 15 minutes playing with and learning from the most incredible water-focused data visualization you've ever seen.


Clean, Renewable Heating and Cooling: No Money Down! GeoTPA: Geothermal Heat Pumps For No Money Down

Here's how to keep your factory, school, or commercial building climate controlled without fossil fuels, with no upfront investment.