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education research

Teacher asked to pay for students' school trip has the best comeback
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels
Max Fischer



Pediatricians Say Slashing Recess Hurts Kids, but Will Adults Listen?

The AAP says recess should "not be withheld for punitive or academic reasons."


Another Reason to Care About School Design

Researchers at the University of Salford say well-designed schools improve the academic performance of elementary school students by 25 percent.


Maybe We'll Meet That 2020 Goal: Graduation Rates Are at Record Highs

Pew Research Center's latest analysis of U.S. Census Data reveals we might be on track for our national higher education goals.


American Students Are Paying More Than Ever For College (Again)

Over the past five years, the average published price at a four-year university has increased by 27 percent.


Binders Full of Women: For College Grads, the Pay Gap Is Alive and Well

A new report from the American Association of University of Women reveals that the pay gap is alive and well.


Millennials Still Read Books and Go to the Library

All our fears about millennials kicking books to the curb in favor of Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl marathons might be unfounded....


Why Are Women More Interested in Going to College Than Men?

Fewer male than female high school freshman and seniors say they want to go to college. What's the deal?


What Do Americans Say Is the Biggest Problem Facing Public Schools?

Hint: it's not ineffective teachers or campus violence.


If You Have to Cram, You Might as Well Not Study

Heading back to school? New research confirms that all-nighters are not going to help your grades.


Can the Promise of a Fatter Paycheck Lure Minority Students into STEM Majors?

They can earn 50 percent more than minorities humanities majors.


Stop Sitting Still: Why Schools Need Standing Desks

Sitting all day shortens our lifespan, so why do we still expect kids to do it?


A New Program Scours Twitter for School Bullying

It could help identify online bullies and their victims—and eventually help curtail schoolyard savagery.


"Wat up wit u": Yep, Texting Is Killing Students' Grammar Skills

Researchers find that the more students text, the more they see texting shortcuts as normal.


How Much Will Technology Really Change Higher Education?

A Pew survey of tech experts and academics reveals that the majority believe a real revolution is on its way.


Taking College Classes in High School Keeps Low Income Kids on Track

A new study shows that blending high school and college work can help motivated students from disadvantaged backgrounds thrive.