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Views of the pyramids from space

Astronaut Terry Virts captures incredible images of the pyramids

Representative images via Wikicommons/NASA



This Jailed Egyptian Activist’s “Made In Prison” Handbags Are A Political Fashion Statement

Asmaa Hamdy maintains her own line of knitted items as she serves a five-year prison term.


Making East African Pop Feel at Home in Brooklyn

Alsarah and the Nubatones take Nubian “Songs of Return” in new directions influenced by the singer’s many moves


One of History’s Most Successful Female Rulers—Who No One Remembers

No-drama Hatshepsut was ancient Egypt’s longest-serving indigenous female ruler, known for enriching her people and commissioning stunning monuments.


This Underwater Museum is Bringing a Coral Reef to Life

A collaborative effort spurs a marine project off the coast of Egypt.


Six Things Tahrir Protesters Taught the World About Starting a Movement

Three years ago, an entire nation took to the streets to demand the fall of one of the longest-running dictators in the world. Egypt has not left the headlines since. Through its cycles of euphoria, bloodshed, cynicism, and hope, the Egyptian revolution continues to captivate the world.


The Case of the Mysterious Spinning Egyptian Statue

Egyptologist Campbell Price noticed one of it's statues—once buried in the tomb of an important pharaoh—had turned 180 degrees.


Documenting the Egyptian Revolution through Street Art

Its hard to imagine that its been almost two and a half years since Egypt's revolution. The excitement and enthusiasm are long gone as we deal...


The Fires of the Egyptian Revolution Continue to Burn: Here's How to Stoke Them

It is 2013.  You have been over-saturated with the “Arab Spring”. You saw the Egyptian Revolution on the news two years ago and experienced...


Wael Ghonim: The Power of the People is Greater Than the People in Power

Ghonim, who's at the intersection of Middle East democracy and online activism, cautions observers against second-guessing their support.


What the United States Can Learn from Egypt About Democracy

Egyptians seem to be enjoying democracy more than Americans have for a long time.


Brain Drain: How Our Thirst for Academic Talent Hurts the Rest of the World

While a top international scholar is teaching in the States, who's educating college students back in that professor's homeland?


What Egypt's "Virginity Tests" Tell Us About Ourselves

The latest news on Egypt's "virginity tests" during the uprisings reveals a serious Madonna/whore complex. Unfortunately, we have one, too.


What the Arab Spring Could Mean for Solar in the Sahara

Will the unrest in the Arab world put massive solar projects like Desertec on hold or actually usher in a new era of clean energy?

After the Arab Spring, What’s the Forecast for Summer?

A quick guide to the democratic movements across the region.


Obama's Middle East Speech: The View from a Cafe in Cairo

Watching Obama’s speech as a foreigner in Egypt, I fear that his professed support for Arab activists is an empty promise.