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egypt protests



Protesters Are Awesome: Banned Books Back in Egypt and Tunisia

Banned books return to Tunisia and Egypt, signifying an ease on censorship in the newly dictatorless countries.


Why the Hell Doesn't America Have Al Jazeera Yet?

With the Arab world in the midst of a massive change, isn't it time Americans got to see Al Jazeera's first-class coverage on a real TV platform?


That Plan to Close Half of Detroit's Schools? It's Really Happening

Paging Eminem: Michigan just approved the insane plan to shut schools and raise class sizes in the Motor City to 60 students.


Amazing Photo: Egyptians Turn Out to Support Wisconsin Counterparts

Still high from the success of their nationwide protests, Egyptians are expressing solidarity for the demonstrations in Wisconsin.


Impressive Video: What Egypt's Twitter Hashtag Network Looked Like

An interesting visualization of the tweets surrounding the Egyptian revolution shows what a tangled web microblogging weaves.


Brave Egyptian Women and Soldiers Rescue Lara Logan from Violent Sexual Assault

Amid the joy of victory in Egypt, CBS News reporter Lara Logan was senselessly attacked by a violent mob.


Video: Iran Protests Immediately Turn Violent

Iran's protests have already left one dead, and protesters aren't hesitating to attack police.


Protesters Are Awesome: Look at This Beautiful Video of Today's "Day of Cleaning" in Egypt

One day after they forced their president out of office through ceaseless protests, Egypt's citizens united today to repair what they'd damaged.


A Look Back at the Amazing Citizen Video Footage from Egypt

Many Egyptians kept a detailed video record of the past three weeks. Here's a look back at the protests using that tremendous video footage.


Round Two: Pro-Democracy Algerians Plan to Take to the Streets Tomorrow

Algeria is bracing itself for a day of Egypt-like protests tomorrow. Are the dominos are falling in the Arab states?


Egyptians Are Protesting Under Water Too

Egyptians are getting more and more creative with their calls for Mubarak to resign. Here's a scuba diving demand from the Red Sea.


We Win: Why Mubarak Stepping Down Feels Good Even Thousands of Miles Away

Egypt is joyous after its three-decade dictator succumbed to massive protests. Here's why that should make you happy.


Revolution in Egypt: Who's Next?

Hosni Mubarak's regime is over. Which other populations around the Middle East and Africa are ready to follow Egypt's lead?


More Than Half of Americans Haven't Heard About What's Going on in Egypt

Despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the protests, most Americans aren't paying attention.


Same Dictator, Different Day: Mubarak's Replacement Is Terrible, Too Why Omar Suleiman Will Probably Be As Bad for Egypt As Hosni Mubarak

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has relinquished his power to Vice President Omar Suleiman. That is not good at all.


Full Transcript of Mubarak's Bad Speech

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak gave a speech just minutes ago that left a nation of millions in a rage. Here is that bad speech.