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How Big Ag Erodes the Farm Bill's Environmental Protections

The Farm Bill is arguably America's biggest piece of environmental legislation and it's kind of rotten.


Fighting Pollutors Pits Environmental Groups Against Each Other

The EPA announced new rules to govern new power plants carbon emissions. Where does that leave environmentalists?


Why the U.S. Government Won't Protect Us From Toxic Chemicals In Our Food Supply

Three decades later, Americans are still waiting for the EPA to fulfill its promise on examining dioxins in our food supply.


New EPA Data Brings Home the Reality of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

How much greenhouse gas does your neighborhood power plant emit?


How an Idaho Couple Wound Up Defending the Nation's Biggest Polluters

The Sacketts say they just wanted to build a lake house. But their case against the EPA could give corporations more leeway to pollute waterways.


Big Oil's Dirty Secret: There's a Serious Spill Almost Daily in America

Did you hear about the 42,000 gallons of oil recently dumped into the Yellowstone River? Probably not, and that's a shame.


Tastes Like Nanotechnology

A small step towards federal oversight for the safety of some very small particles that are making their way into foods.


Environmental Protection? There's An App for That

Calling all developers: the EPA wants you to build apps with its vast amounts of data.


Check Out the Fuel Efficiency Stickers That Will Show Up on Every New Car

Today, the government unveiled its design for fuel-efficiency stickers that will go on every new car. Will they help Americans make better purchases?


Spread the Word: Help Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Today

It's a national call-in today to end mountaintop removal coal mining. Let's help them.


Two Smart New Ads Show What's at Stake in Clean Air Act Assault: Our Children's Health

Finally, someone is running some ads that call out the current attacks on the EPA for what they are: a threat to our children.


Ed Markey Worries that the GOP Will Repeal Gravity

Watch the Democratic rep sarcastically call out House Republicans for their draconian anti-scientific new bill.


Beware: Bed Bugs Are Now in the Schools

Thanks to cozy nooks and crannies in bags and jackets, the nightmarish pest is hitching a ride to a school near you.


Operation Free Finds Cure for Oil Addiction Disorder: The EPA

Is your member of Congress suffering from Oil Addiction Disorder? If so, there's something that could help: The EPA


Bad Week for the EPA: Its Ability to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Is Under Threat

The Supreme Court and science say that the EPA must regulate greenhouse gases, but Republicans are putting the agency through the ringer.