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farm bill



How the U.S. Farm Bill Keeps Food Off West African Plates

Local sourcing of food aid would save $500 million a year and meet the needs of an additional 17 million hungry mouths. It's time for a change.


Let's Do This: Six Farm Bill Amendments You Should Probably Support

Right now, Congress is debating a giant bill that will set the rules for America's food system for years to come. Help us make sure it isn't terrible.


The National Crop Reserve: An Old-School Plan We Need Again

We don't need to cut food stamps in the Farm Bill to make ends meet. The same crop reserve system that served us well for decades should be revived.


Beginning Farmers Are Using New Media to Advocate for an Old Vocation

Two nonprofits are helping young farmers share the challenges and rewards of working the land in the 21st century.


Help Us Make the Farm Bill Better

The Farm Bill is incredibly important and we actually have the opportunity to make it a little bit better. Maybe. Here's how.


Our Food System Is Forked Up: Why the Farm Bill Matters

Do you care about hunger, poverty, or the environment? You should care about the Farm Bill.


The GOOD Fair Food Toolkit

Want to help fix America's flawed food system? Here are ideas you can implement at the personal, local, and national levels.


The Loss of Our Nation's Topsoil, Visualized

The breadbasket has lost over half its topsoil. It's time to reign in federal policies that are stripping our nation's most valuable natural resource.


The Food Gods Speak: Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser Dish About Walmart, National Security, and Chicken Nuggets

When Pollan last ate a chicken nugget, whether Schlosser thinks that Walmart's new healthy food initiatives are for real, and what you and I can do.