Health The FDA is issuing cancer warnings on breast implants, because they're finally listening to women Heidi LuxOct 30, 2019
Articles Why Drug Companies Don't Sell a Lifesaving Drug Pioneered on the Battlefield Tim FernholzMar 25, 2012
Articles Fear the Frankenfish: Beneath the Gills of the Genetically Engineered Salmon Sarah ParsonsJan 19, 2012
Articles Beware of Whole Grain Inflation Subway offers sandwiches on 9-grain bread. You can find 10-grain, 12-grain, and even 15-grain breads in supermarkets. What do all these claims mean?Peter Smith15 Jun, 2011
Articles Tastes Like Nanotechnology A small step towards federal oversight for the safety of some very small particles that are making their way into foods.Peter Smith13 Jun, 2011
Articles OMG GMOs! How Can You Tell If Your Produce Is Genetically Modified? The new AquAdvantage salmon is forcing a public debate about the safety of genetically modified foods, and what the public should know about them.Peter Smith26 May, 2011
Articles Why Consumer Advocates Are Milking Cows on Capitol Hill The battle over raw milk is heating up, but both sides are ignoring the most important question: When is it safe to drink?Peter Smith18 May, 2011
Articles The Perils of Confusing Drug Brand Names With the proliferation of similar-sounding brand names for drugs, it's getting increasingly easy for us to mix up our meds.Peter Smith14 May, 2011
Articles Alcohol Counts, Just Not When it Comes to Calorie Counting Not on tap for beer, wine, or fruity mixed drinks: Calorie counts.Peter Smith29 Apr, 2011
Articles Did Pom Wonderful Buy Morgan Spurlock's Silence? Do pomegranates really help with heart disease and erectile health? The evidence isn't clear and it's too bad Morgan Spurlock didn't let us know that.Peter Smith24 Apr, 2011
Articles Spider Webs and the Battle Over Federal Caffeine Limits One hundred years ago, the predecessor of the FDA had no data on how caffeine affects humans. Unbelievably, the same is pretty much true today.Nicola Twilley02 Apr, 2011
Articles Do Elimination Diets Really Eliminate ADHD? If the artificial dyes in food cause behavioral problems in kids, should we eliminate food coloring altogether?Peter Smith01 Apr, 2011
Articles Some ADHD With those Froot Loops? Food Coloring Makes Kids More Hyperactive The color of food signifies flavor and nutritional quality, but what if those colors are contributing to ADHD in hyperactive children?Peter Smith31 Mar, 2011
Articles Coming Soon to a Theater Near You: Calorie Counts Cinema chains are fighting a proposal that would let consumers know how many calories come with their movies.Peter Smith30 Mar, 2011
Articles Feast Your Eyes: Radioactive Wasabi Japanese authorities update the list of contaminated foods while the FDA tests produce at U.S. ports.Nicola Twilley30 Mar, 2011
Articles FDA Fast Tracks Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Arm The FDA and DARPA have created a faster approval process for breakthrough medical technology. First up: a high-tech prosthetic arm.Ann Marie Gardner12 Feb, 2011
Articles Winning the Future with Salmon That line that got the most laughs during Obama's State of the Union actually raises an important issue about our broken food regulatory system.Nicola Twilley30 Jan, 2011
Articles Undercover Fish Testing Reveals Mercury at Three Times Federal Limits Scary new data show fish in California grocery stores have high levels of mercury. Should you forgo sushi? It's a little hard to say.Nicola Twilley21 Jan, 2011