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feast your eyes



Feast Your Eyes: How to Master the Kung-Fu of Tea in One Easy Photograph

Time for a nice cup of tea—steeped with science and skill.


Feast Your Eyes: Monsanto's Conquest of Weather

Check out the incredible conquest Monsanto embarked upon in 1958.


Printing Nutrition Labels on Food (Literally)

You can't miss these food labels. They're actually printed on egg shells and stamped onto meats.


Intermission: Watch Jello Bounce (in Super-Slow Motion)

Hydrocolloids, like you've never seen them before.


Feast Your Eyes: Return of the Jelly Knights Video: Bompas and Parr's Return of the Jelly Knights

Watch this short documentary on the fascinating, conceptual projects from British jellymongers Bompas and Parr.


Map: Globesity and Nutrition Data From Around the World Feast Your Eyes: World Nutrition and Globesity

What's the connection between world nutrition and globesity? Take a look at these maps.


Feast Your Eyes: Radioactive Wasabi

Japanese authorities update the list of contaminated foods while the FDA tests produce at U.S. ports.


Feast Your Eyes: This Edible Display Uses Dried Fruit as Pixels

Like a craisin Lite Brite, this prototype from the University of Tokyo might one day customize displays with flavors and colors to match your mood.


Feast Your Eyes: Colbert and Myrhvold Enjoy "Ice Cream" That Tastes Like Ice Cream

Stephen Colbert and Nathan Myrhvold enjoy pistachio ice-cream that "isn’t really ice cream at all."


Feast Your Eyes: Toaster Guts

A British photographer takes apart our everyday kitchen appliances in search of their "hidden brains" and surprising beauty.


Feast Your Eyes: Strawberry Dust Devil Ballet

Watch this moment of unexpected beauty, as a mini-tornado lifts plastic sheeting off a strawberry field and twirls it through the air.


Feast Your Eyes: How the Paleolithic Diet Compares to What Modern Americans Eat Chart: The Paleolithic Diet vs. the Modern American Diet

Many of the foods we evolved to eat are contributing to our modern health problems. Should we be looking to our evolutionary past for answers?


Feast Your Eyes Ears: Forks That Make Music with Your Food

Could a musical fork change the way we eat? Watch as researchers at Japan's Ochanomizu University demonstrate chicken skin vibrato.


Feast Your Eyes: The Coffeehouse App

Eighteenth-century coffeehouses were a hotbed of debate and entrepreneurial ideas. This illustrated app pitch aims to recreate that vibe today.


Feast Your Eyes: A Day in the Life of a NASA Space Food Scientist

Dealing with crumbs in zero gravity and developing hydroponic crops for Mars: NASA's food scientists discuss the challenges of developing space food.


Feast Your Eyes: Ikea Cookbook Returns as the "Art of Cooking" Video Series Video: Ikea Cookbook Returns as the "Art of Cooking"

Check out photographer Carl Kleiner's latest project with Ikea: nine whimsical videos that should inspire a little cooking. And maybe some dancing.