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food desert



Real Food Farm: A Pop-Up, Mobile Farmer's Market

A large portion of Baltimore city residents live in a "food desert." Grocery stores aren’t close by. Many people do not have a car and cannot...


Wire Actor Is Starting His Own Grocery Store Chain

Wendell Pierce's Sterling Foods grocery stores will help give residents of low-income communities in New Orleans get fresh, healthy foods.


Rebranding the Food Movement to Broaden Its Appeal

A health food corner store in Atlanta eschews the local food movement's idealization of agricultural labor, opting for a vintage-train vibe.


Are Shipping Containers the Solution to Food Deserts? Stockbox Grocer's Food Desert Solution: The Shipping Container

The solution to the problem of urban food deserts may come in a shipping container


Is It Better to Provide Health Food or to Eliminate Junk Food?

When it comes to the fight against obesity, what's more important: access to healthy food or barriers to unhealthy food?


Beyond the Food Desert Mirage

The link between food deserts and health is far from absolute, so maybe it's time to focus on the bottom line: more affordable food.


Map: Do You Live in a Food Desert? USDA's Food Desert Locator Map

Calling all cartographers! Using the USDA's data, you can map the connection between farmers' markets and food deserts in your neighborhood.


Forget Urban Farms. We Need a Wal-Mart Wal-Marts in Cities Mean Better Food

Plans for urban farms in Detroit get a lot press. But the author argues that they aren't going to come close to fixing the city's food desert.