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fossil fuels



Scotland’s Resolve to Kick Fossil Fuels by 2030 is Perfectly Feasible

By tapping and further developing their already robust stock of renewable energy resources, Scotland may very well achieve fossil fuel freedom in 15 years.


Who Can Innovate Us Out of Our Fossil Fuel Rut? The Military

The U.S. military isn't just the greatest fighting force on the planet—it might be the greatest innovating force, too.


Tens of Thousands Take to Twitter to End Oil Subsidies

Despite—or maybe because of—the low expectations for the Rio+20 conference, a Twitter army is asking world leaders to #EndFossilFuelSubsidies.


The U.S. Is Burning Less Coal, But Shipping It to China Defeats the Purpose

Environmental groups are trying to stop infrastructure projects that allow exports of coal to China.


Reinventing Fire: How to Get America Off Oil and Coal by 2050

The Rocky Mountain Institute's new book shows how existing technologies and ideas could get America off fossil fuels by 2050.


Ways to Better Spend $4 Billion Per Year in Oil Subsidies

Here are three ways we could better our Big Oil subsidies. Except these ideas would actually ease pain at the pump and save Americans money.


Moving Planet: A Day to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels

Our good friends at just announced the plan for their next big global day of climate action. Get the details here.


House Passes Offshore Drilling Legislation, But It Won't Lower Gas Prices at All

Even George W. Bush's economics adviser says that the act passed today in the House won't bring down the price of gas.


International Energy Agency's Top Economist Says Oil Peaked in 2006

As recently as five years ago, "peak oil" alarmists were disregarded as the lunatic fringe. Today it's a different story.


Chart: Even More Proof We Can't Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices

This chart totally debunks the GOP's false claim that the President's policies have anything to do with gas prices.


823,475 Reasons Why Speaker Boehner Isn't Serious About Cutting Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Since 1999, John Boehner has received $823,475 from coal and oil companies. Think that has anything to do with his totally misleading Facebook poll?


How Close Do You Live to Toxic Coal Emissions?

A new interactive map from the Sierra Club lets you see just how close you and your loved ones live to the toxic emissions from coal-burning plants.


The Dirty Money in Your Senator's Pocket

Click and see how much dirty energy money your elected officials are receiving. Compare it to how many kids with asthma they represent.


"Chicago Six" Take Two Windy City Coal Plants

Direct action against polluters seems to be gaining momentum.