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Fuel efficiency



Check Out the Fuel Efficiency Stickers That Will Show Up on Every New Car

Today, the government unveiled its design for fuel-efficiency stickers that will go on every new car. Will they help Americans make better purchases?


Video: Hybrids, Electric Cars, and Flywheels at the Detroit Auto Show

All the carmakers are jumping on the electric bandwagon. Inhabitat founder Jill Fehrenbacher checks out the Detroit Auto Show's new reveals.


Two Steps Forward on Energy, One Sidestep for Show

The end of last week brought a flurry of news about energy and climate concerns-fuel efficiency standards, new mountaintop removal mining rules,...


Car Companies Unveil Prospective Electric Cars of the Future

Guests at this year's International Motor Show in Geneva, Switzerland got a sneak peek at the future of electric cars. According to Treehugger,...


The 15 Most Fuel-efficient Cars for 2010

We're generally of the mindset that our transportation future will include many varieties of vehicles working en masse-from bikes to buses to...


Union of Concerned Scientists: Unimpressed with Your Hybrid

The Union of Concerned Scientists (fun name!) knows that all hybrids were not created equal. So it has created this hybrid...

Is a Plane More Fuel Efficient Than a Prius?

What's the most efficient way to get around? Planes might burn a lot of fuel, but they also are filled with people, making each gallon go a lot...


Ridin' Dirty

Unchecked, these three emerging economies could send the planet into flames. Here's what they're trying to do about it. THE PROBLEM China has the dubious honor of being the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, burning some 2.5 billion tons of coal at its 541 coal-fired power plants. THE SOLUTION China..


Gas Loss

Not only does gas cost $500 a gallon (this is an exaggeration, nowhere in America has gas even reached the $100 a gallon mark), but according to this diagram, our cars only use about 15% of the gas to actually move the car and run essential systems like the A/C. The rest just gets pissed away. The auto..


Gas Attack

Even though gas prices continue to rise, it seems as though American drivers are really not that interested in doing anything to alter their fuel spending habits. According to this story from the Detroit Free Press, who, we would imagine, know their cars, the momentary fixation on smaller, more fuel..