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The GOOD "Waste Less" Wrap Up: We Got Wasted on Waste

July's attempt to give up on waste was perhaps the hardest one yet. Oh, how we struggled with those infernal iced coffees.


How Do Couples Decide Who Takes Out the Trash?

In heterosexual relationships, if the guy always takes out the trash, is the couple just repeating gender stereotypes?


The GOOD 30-Day Challenge: Waste Less

In July, we're getting less trashy by trying to reduce our garbage to one grocery bag per week. Waste not? We'll certainly try.


Facebooking Trash Bins Shame the Wasteful

"BinCams"—garbage cans with cameras—help college students think twice about their waste by sharing trash pics on Facebook.


Picture: Trash Towers Over People As NYC Thaws

A great, gross visual shows you what was hiding under all that New York City snow.


Garbage Covers Italy's Historic Spanish District in Naples

As you can see from these photos, the historic Spanish district in Naples is currently littered with garbage.


Annie Leonard's New Story of Stuff-like Series for Kids

The Story of Stuff treatment is applied to garbage, biodiversity, and...frogs. We bet you can't watch without smiling.


Eight Eco-friendly Halloween Costumes (and a Tip for Cheaters)

Tips for trick or treaters who don't want to be wasteful (or spend money) on a crappy wear-once Halloween costume. Plus: Tell us yours.


British Airways to Use Trash for Jet Fuel

British Airways plans to construct a fuel plant that will convert landfill waste into millions of gallons of jet fuel, which could reduce net...


Baby Steps to Producing Less Garbage: The Sigg (or Other Waterbottle)

This is not a new idea here, but it's been fairly revolutionary for me, so I thought I'd share: I emerged from this New Year's break with the...


E-Waste PSA: High-tech Trash

If the transition from 386 to 486 resonates loudly in your heart strings, then you have some idea of how far we've come the past fifteen years or so. Of course, the seemingly exponential acceleration of tech improvements presents a fair share of problems--problems that extend beyond your feelings of..