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Crushing South L.A.'s Digital Divide by Teaching Youth to Code

URBAN Teens Exploring Technology is the only computer-programming academy in the inner city of Los Angeles.


Three Ways to Help More Women and Girls Stand Up and Take Risks

Startup Weekend Women's Edition shows that we need to take specific action to help inspire more women and girls to stand up and take risks.


What Happens When You Give Youth (and Yourself) the Space to Dream?

Part of learning entrepreneurial skills is learning to dream big about college, career, and life.


Why I'm Taking a Year to Learn and Do the Things I Give a Damn About

Thanks to the brand new GOOD Fellowship, Manasa Yeturu's spending the next year focusing on entrepreneurship education to empower girls.


Helping Girls of Color Smash the Digital Divide

The gap between innovators and consumers is the new digital divide. Black Girls CODE


'Girl Rising': Ending Gender Disparities in Education and Tech Access Is Key to Global Prosperity

67 million girls under the age of 15 are not in school each day. Eliminating the obstacles to that can have a multiplier effect on social change.


Rise of the Mini-Preneurs: A Kid-Run Virtual Lemonade Stand To Teach Entrepreneurship

Learning how to be an entrepreneur means kids get to design their own job.


The Largest Girl-Led Business in the World Teaches 5 Essential Leadership Skills

The young girl who knocks on your door to sell you Girl Scout cookies is actually preparing to lead a multinational conglomerate.


'Girls' Race Problem: Why Lena Dunham Isn't Out of the Woods in Season Two

The race problem on her show is not fixed by including a black character, or strategically placing a “random” black guest at a party.


Dollhouse 2.0: Roominate Lets Girls Play Architect, Designer, and Technologist

Could a toy that encourages girls towards STEM be the best way to balace the gender gap in these fields?


The Legacy of Sally Ride, the First American Woman in Space

Ride made history as the first American woman in space but she was most proud of her Sally Ride Science Academy.


Glee for Refugees: Meet the One Voice Chorus

Global Village School's One Voice Chorus finds harmony in diversity.


Does Computer Engineering Barbie Discourage Girls From Pursuing Math and Science?

A new study shows that exposing girls to stereotypically "girlie" math and science role models makes them not want to pursue those fields.


Live Chat: Sex, Gender, and Girls

Join us for a chat about sex and gender issues in HBO's most-talked-about new show.


Is HBO's 'Girls' the Voice of Our Generation? Nope, And That's Ok

Young women shouldn't pin all their hopes on Lena Dunham's new series. They should demand more shows made by girls like them.