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Why Kids Make the Best Fundraisers, and Where Adults Can Take a Cue

Here are five things you can learn from kids this season to help you fundraise even more successfully.


How to Make the Most of Your Holiday Giving

This holiday season, we decided to list several of the charity initiatives that have sparked our interest.


Mapping Generosity: New Tool Highlights Giving-est Places by Zipcode

Blue states lag far behind red states, and rich people are far more generous if they live in mixed income communities.

People Are Awesome: Mystery Man Gives Strangers Wads of Cash

From Cape Town, South Africa, to Las Vegas, Nevada, he's on a giving spree with a catch. The Lucky ones must spend the money for good.


A New App Helps You Buy Less—and Give Generously

A new app helps you forgo a cup of coffee in favor of a charitable donation.


One Percent Foundation Unleashes Next Generation of Philanthropists

A modern twist on old-fashioned giving circles takes microphilanthropy macro.


Enough of the “Me First” Economy, It's Time for “We First”

What the hell is contributory consumption? It's Simon Mainwaring's crazy idea for transforming our economy—and it just might work.

Infographic: With Donations, Corporations Love Japan, Haiti Not as Much

Compared to Haiti, corporations are rushing to donate to Japan, where they have more colleagues and customers. The American people not so much.


Donor Aid to Japan Not Even Close to Haiti and Katrina

Americans gave a lot more and a lot faster to Katrina and Haiti than to Japan. American corporations? Well that's a different story.


According to Nonprofits, the Recession Is Not Over

Here's what the economy looks like to nonprofits that are helping the people who fall through the cracks.


Turn Valentine's Day into Generosity Day with This Wonderful Experiment

On this day of compulsory spending between loved ones, we can broaden the practice of love and gifting. Here's a few ideas, and a good reason!


@GOOD Asks: Why Is Philanthropy Important? The Community Answers

GOOD readers think philanthropy is important because it can "make and immediate impact faster" and "create opportunities to connect resources with strategies."


@GOOD Asks: Why Is Philanthropy Important?

@grdodge wants to know: Why is philanthropy important? Join the conversation.