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gulf oil spill


Slideshow: The Beautiful and Impactful Aerial Imagery of Grassroots Mapping

The DIY cartography movement of grassroots mapping not only creates stunning imagery, but collects important data that can make a real difference.


Overload: New Gulf Oil Spill, Knut Is Dead, and More

A new Gulf oil spill, Knut the dead polar bear, and more of what we're reading at GOOD Environment HQ.


Grassroots Mapping: How You Can Create Aerial Cartography for Under $100, and Use It to Do Good

How to capture your own aerial imagery that's higher resolution than NASA's, for about $100.


White House Commission: BP Oil Spill Was "Entirely Preventable"

The White House commission on the BP oil spill has concluded that one simple question could have prevented the tragedy.


The Top Tweets of 2010: People Have Balanced Concerns

Twitter analyzed 25 billion Tweets from 2010 to come up with this list of the year's "top trends." The oil spill tops the list. And Paul sneaks in.


Feds: No Digging For Oil, or Sand Castles, on Florida Beaches

Don't you dare bring a shovel and bucket to the Gulf Islands National Seashore. Digging for oil (or anything else) is said to be illegal.